
Data, charts, and gossip about contests.

7% of contesters self-spotted in ARRL DX SSB 2024

Self-spotting - allowed by the ARRL rules to all entrants in ARRL contests - was used more than twice as often in the SSB leg of the ARRL DX contest than in the CW leg. Several US/VE stations often spotted themselves using DX callsigns and visa versa, to work around geographically restrictive spotting filters. (See my analysis for CW at

I gathered manual (non-reversebeacon) spots from 11 Telnet cluster nodes around the world over the 48-hour ARRL DX SSB 2024, deduped them, and counted self-spots to see how widely self-spotting has been adopted, 14 months after the ARRL allowed self-spotting by all entrants in ARRL contests.

(Note that almost all other major HF contest sponsors do not allow self-spotting and strictly forbid it!)

I also included as self-spots, the case where the spotting station(s) used a different call than the spotted call. This was not at all rare; many contesters used a special call for the contest but were, for example, logged into the cluster with their regular call. Other DXpedition teams seem to have specifically logged in to clusters and spotted using multiple members home calls - a wise choice for when the target audience may have geographic filters on what spots they receive.

342 stations self-spotted in ARRL DX SSB 2024, if I ignore stations that self-spotted themselves less than 10 times. There will be circa 5000 logs submitted for ARRL DX CW this year, so this is nearly 7% of all entrants who have adopted self-spotting.

A higher usage of self-spotting in SSB is not surprising, considering that most contesters now use Reversebeacon as the source of most CW spots. (Note that more casual participants in contests are less likely to be unaware of reversebeacon/skimmer spots and if operating assisted they are unlikely to be using a cluster node that even carries reversebeacon spots.)

Below is the list of the 342 stations who self-spotted 10 or more times, and the calls they self-spotted under. A couple of the calls were not necessarily contesters but were DXpeditions or POTA activations. The self-spot counts below are after some aggressive deduping - for example if a station spotted themselves on multiple frequencies in the same minute I only counted it as a single self-spot.

spots   call    spotted using calls
-----   -----   -------------------
589     9A1A    9A1A 9A5W
542     CR6K    CR6K CT1ILT
529     ZF1A    ZF1A ZF1BB
483     W3LPL   W3LPL
386     PJ2T    K8ND PJ2T W0CG
383     K1TTT   K1TTT
384     N5DX    N5DX
379     9A7P    9A7P W3WM
360     EI7M    G4PCS
358     ED7W    EB7A ED7W
355     WX3B    WX3B
343     K1LZ    K1LZ
294     K3LR    K3LR
256     K2AX    K2AX
251     8P5A    8P5A W2SC
249     IP4X    IK4ZGO IP4X W4/IP4X
246     J62K    J68HZ
243     K9CT    K9CT
239     HH2AA   N2TTA
226     NN3W    DL4RRA KL2A N4RV NN3W
220     EB5A    EB5A
214     NY6DX   NY6DX
212     IO6T    IK6RYU
207     9A1P    9A1P
206     KB4DX   W7WZ
205     OM2VL   OM2VL
205     EA8RM   EA8RM
200     NP2R    NP2R W3MLJ WO5T
200     N2AA    N2AA W2MKM
198     ND7K    N6WIN
191     VY2TT   VY2TT
191     HG5E    HA1AH
186     PJ4G    NQ1R PJ4NG
185     ED8M    ED8M
180     W4RM    W4RM
175     E7DX    E77DX W7/E77DX
175     DM7XX   DL3ON DM7XX
174     YU5R    YU5R
174     OK5Z    OK5Z
173     OH8L    OG73X
171     N3RD    N3RD
170     P40L    P40L
169     YL7X    YL7X
164     W4NF    W4NF
164     RN9C    RN9C
163     WP3C    WP3C
163     TM6M    F6KHM
162     N5ZO    N5ZO
159     K3ND    KU2C W2GD
157     VP5M    VP5M
156     K4AB    K4AB
156     ED3Z    EA3DZ
154     VE9AA   VE9AA
151     AD4EB   AD4EB
150     LP1H    LP1H
149     OK7O    OK7O
141     AA1K    AA1K
140     9A5Y    9A5Y
136     HG6N    HA6DX HG6N
134     LY4A    LY4A
126     M5S     G4IRN
123     SJ2W    SJ2W SM2WMV
123     LY5W    LY5W
121     K8AZ    K8AZ
120     K3PA    K3PA
120     C4W     5B4WN
119     UW5Y    US2YW
117     V31XX   V31XX
116     ED8W    ED8W
114     PT5J    PP5JR
114     NE3F    NE3F
114     KP2B    KP2B
113     MW4R    MW4R
111     N1UR    AC1U
111     HA5JI   HA5JI
111     HA3NU   HA3NU
110     K7RL    K7RL
107     N2IC    N2IC
107     KP4JA   KP4JA
107     FM5KC   FM5KC
104     S53M    S53M
103     JH8YOH  JR8VSE
101     V55Y    DK2WH V51WH V55Y
101     KH6AQ   KH6AQ
100     9A3XV   9A3XV
98      WA1Z    WA1Z
98      AA3B    DL/AA3B
97      ZM4T    ZM4T
95      DM0A    DK3DM DM0A
93      K2PO    K2PO
92      S55OO   S55OO
91      SP8R    SP8R
88      RW1F    RU1M
88      E7CW    E74O E79AA E7CW
88      5K4X    KC1XX-HK4
82      KL7SB   KI6RRN/KL7
81      WY3A    WY3A
80      C6ANM   C6ANM
77      ZB2BU   ZB2BU
77      P3X     UT4UXW
77      NP4Z    NP4Z
75      WF7T    WF7T
74      N1BA    N1BA
74      GM5G    GM5G
74      EC6DX   EC6DX
73      K5ZD    K5ZD
70      YU7RCI  YU7RPX
70      6Y1A    N0GJW
69      OG6N    OH6NIO
69      K1XM    K1XM
66      K6LL    K6LL
63      PJ5/SP9FIH      PJ5/SP9FIH
62      NS0R    NS0R
62      N3AD    N3AD
61      S53O    S53O
59      N9RV    N9RV
59      HA1TJ   HA1TJ
58      UA9CDC  UA9CDC
58      RL3A    RL3A
58      PY2PLL  PY2PLL
58      LZ8E    LZ8E
57      EU4E    EU4E
56      W1GD    W1GD
56      S53F    S53F
55      W6PH    W6PH
55      IZ8FCA  IZ8OLR
55      CT2HOV  CT1BGC
54      VE5MX   VE5MX
54      PJ7EE   PJ7EE
54      N5TJ    N5TJ
54      N2NT    KI7WX
54      II4FGM  II4FGM
53      VA2WA   VA2WDQ VE2EKA
53      SN5N    SN5N
53      G3Q     G3RXQ
52      YT1X    YT1X
52      OM0R    OM3GI
52      LZ5R    LZ5R
52      IT9AUG  IT9AUG
51      OK6Y    OK6Y
51      K5TR    K5TR
51      K1RX    K1RX
51      IT9RBW  IT9RBW
51      II9P    IT9EQO
50      S52WW   S52WW S59EIJ
50      OM7M    OM7M
50      N2RC    N2RC
49      KA6BIM  K6SEA
48      ND4Y    ND4Y
47      ED5R    EA5Z
46      W2CG    W2CG
46      SV3RPQ  SV3RPQ
46      II2S    IZ2FOS
45      W2FU    W2FU
44      WK1O    WK1O
44      IV3YYK  IV3YYK
43      NR3X    N4YDU
43      KC3UII  KC3UII
42      OG7Z    DL6MHW
42      K3IE    K3IE
41      NF3R    NF3R
41      DK8MM   DF0TX DK8MM
40      YP8T    YP8T
40      W1JQ    W1JQ
40      S50K    S50E
40      RW7K    RW7K
40      KY7M    NA7TB
39      RI0SP   RD1A/MM
39      LZ2PL   LZ2PL
39      DJ5AN   WA1TT
38      W8FJ    W8FJ
38      W7RM    N6TR
38      LY1FW   LY1FW
38      ED3X    EA3QP
38      AB2E    AB2E
37      S53K    S53K
37      KQ3F    KC3WX
37      DR4A    DR4A
37      DL3ON   DL3ON
36      K8LX    K8LX
36      IB9T    IU3BTY
36      H40WA   NE9U
35      YO9HP   YO9HP
35      W5DX    W1HQ
35      JM1NKT  JM1NKT
35      F4DSK   F4DSK W3/F4DSK
34      K4RO    K4RO
33      PY2MP   PY2MP
33      LU1DX   LU1DX
33      3W9A    KU1CW
32      UR2Y    UR2Y
32      S52NR   S53LG
32      LZ1NK   LZ1NK
32      DL7ON   DL7ON
32      AL2F    AL2F
32      4X6FR   4X6FR
31      VP9I    N1SV
31      TO7K    FR8UA
31      TO5M    I8QLS
31      KP4AA   KP4AA
31      K7RI    K7RI
31      JG1LFR  JG1LFR
31      7Q6M    K3MYI W3HAC
30      II4SUCC IK4UXA
29      PY5AMF  PY5AMF
29      DK2A    DC8YZ
28      SP9XCN  SP9XCN
28      K1KI    K1KI
28      II2C    IK2JUB
28      F4GGQ   F4GWG F6EKS
28      CT9ABN  CT9ABN
27      XU7GNY  DL7BO
27      VA3WB   VA3WB
27      PR5K    PY5QW
27      FY5KE   FY5KE
27      E74A    E74A
27      AG3I    AG3I
26      YQ6A    YQ6A
26      YO4NF   YO4NF
26      W4LT    W4LT
26      PY1AX   PY1AX
26      PT1K    PP1KV
26      K3ZA    K3ZA
26      HA5PP   HA5PP
26      DN4DI   DC4DI
25      TM1K    F5REH
25      C6ABJ   C6ABJ
24      W1KM    W1KM
24      N7RQ    K8IA
24      N4OX    N4OX
24      MW5B    G3WVG
24      KP2M    KP2M
24      DK1RU   EA5IQX
23      N1RR    N1RR
23      KE8HBV  KE8HBV
23      EC5K    EC5K
22      W1NT    W1NT
22      VY1AAA  VY1AAA
22      K1VR    W1UE
22      DR4W    DL4LAM DR4W
21      YL2VW   YL2VW
21      KA1ZD   KA1ZD
21      K1KP    K1KP
21      JH1EAQ  JH1EAQ
20      V3O     V3O
20      N1PGA   N1PGA
20      M3AWD   M3AWD
20      KF2O    KF2O
20      KD9MS   KD9MS
20      CT3KN   CT1JPK
19      YO5LD   YO5LD
19      PS2M    PY2OX
19      OZ1ADL  OZ1ADL
18      SP7Y    SP7Y
18      J88IH   VP2EIH
18      IZ0FTS/P        IQ3QC
18      IN3XSV  IN3RMC
18      ED7O    EC5AN
17      W1PY    W1PY
17      LZ3ZZ   LZ3ZZ
17      KS1J    KS1J
17      JE1LFX  JE1LFX
17      IK3ZYM  IK3ZYM
17      CT2IMG  CT2IMG
16      VE3TM   VE3TM
16      S53D    S57SU
16      PA4WM   PA6OR
16      OG1F    OH1F
16      N2FT    N2FT
16      N1MM    N1MM
16      LY9A    LY9A
16      JA6WFM  JA6WFM
16      EF5T    EA5JDN
16      BD1IIJ  BD1IIJ
15      V31DJ   W0CP
15      SN7O    SP7IVO
15      RZ1OA   UA1OLM
15      OH8K    OH8KXK
15      NN3RP   NN3RP
15      K9NW    K9NW
15      K0YR    K0YR
15      EA8CH   EA8DKJ
15      AA7A    NA7TB
14      YT2RX   YU3A
14      YL2GD   YL2GD
14      WV4P    WV4P
14      UA2FZ   UA2FZ
14      R4RN    R4RN
14      NN1C    NN1C
14      N2ZN    N2ZN
14      M1T     M0KYB
14      HA6KG   HA6KG
14      DU3T    DU3T
14      DJ4MH   DJ4MH
13      W7GES   W7GES
13      UG5F    UG5F
13      PY4LH   PY4LH
13      PT2AW   PT2AW
13      PA3AAV  PA3AAV
13      OM3CW   OM3CW
13      OL8R    OK1FCJ
13      K0AD    K0AD
13      II4M    IK4VET
13      HK3LRB  HK3EA
13      EE3O    EA3O
13      E70T    E70T
12      ZW2A    ZW2A
12      YT3X    YT3X
12      WC1M    WC1M
12      W3LL    W3LL
12      W1N     KC2POL
12      UY5LW   VE1ANF
12      OL5T    OL5T
12      OK2BFN  OK2BFN
12      NU3O    N2BA
12      LZ146GO LZ1VKD
12      K1MT    K1MT
12      HG5A    HG5A
12      DM88YLF DK0FWS
12      CB1B    CE1KV
12      BI4SSB  BI4SSB
12      AJ9C    AJ9C
12      9A3K    9A3K
12      7X2GK   7X2BDX
11      UA4CNJ  RW4CYL
11      RW3RN   RW3RN
11      RK3AW/P RN3F
11      RC7LX/P RX6LGR
11      OM3RM   OM3RM
11      OK8NM   OM1BCO
11      OK5H    OK5H
11      JR2GRX  JR2GRX
11      JA3YBK  R0MM
11      IZ2GRG  IZ2GRG
11      IU3OJA  IQ3QC
11      IO3X    IV3JCC
11      HA8LNN  HA8LNN
11      EA2AK/P EA2CE
11      A62A/P  DM4AO

A compressed archive of the raw telnet cluster traffic from 11 worldwide cluster nodes throughout the contest is available at this link.