WRT, the Weekly RTTY Test
Due to popular demand for a conventional (non Sprint) weekly RTTY Test, starting Thursday evening Jan 4th (Friday Morning UTC) from 0145-0215Z we will hold a half-hour RTTY Contest. Rules are similar to the highly successful Wednesday CWT - notably unique callsigns are a multiplier. .
This standard format 30 minute RTTY test will allow us to stay on top of our game, test station upgrades in real contest conditions and most importantly keep RTTY alive and well.
We strongly encourage all operators, seasoned or new to RTTY to participate. Special note to new(er) RTTY ops, if you have any questions, comments or issues working the test please make a post on our Facebook page for the Weekly RTTY Test (WRT) Include details of your setup in your post, and we will be happy to assist you or find someone that can.
General Rules
- Held every Thursday night, 0145-0215Z (Friday UTC)
- Everyone Works Everyone
- Each unique call (once per session) is a multiplier
- 1 Point per QSO
- 10, 15, 20, 40, and 80 Meter bands
- 100 Watt (Low-Power) and 5 Watt (QRP) Categories.
Suggested Frequencies
- 3.585-3.590, 7.083-7.090, 14.083-14.090, 21.083-21.090, and 28.083-28.090 MHz
- W/VE - Name and State
- DX - Name and Country Prefix
- N1MM users can use the WRT UDC module. (Most recently revised January 4, 2024). Right click on WRT.udc and save to your Documents\N1MM+ Logger\UserDefinedContests folder. Restart N1MM+ and create a new contest using WRT module.
- For other loggers without WRT support, we suggest using the NAQP contest. Ignore the logger's multiplier count; instead manually count unique callsigns per session for the multiplier.
- Report your results on 3830scores.com